Images from my Crenshaw-Expo Commission for the Crenshaw-Expo Station of the underground LAX line to the International Airport. These panels began with photographs taken from the area beginning at Martin Luther King Blvd and the 110 Frwy down to Leimert Park. It included the surrounding areas. The photographs were taken throughout 2015-16 and capture the dawn to midnight of this area. To see a short video of my 400' piece, go to "Link" and click " 

Digital rendering of panels on the station platform
mixed media
48" x 200 '
This is a computer-generated rendering of one side of the Crenshaw-Expo Station platform of the LAX line to the LAX airport. There will be 2 different 48" x 200' sections. One will travel North to South, the other South to North. The line is scheduled to open in 2019.
LAX LINE: Crenshaw-Expo Station: Panel A2
mixed media
24" x 33.5" x1"
a preliminary study of one of the midnight panels from the Crenshaw-Expo piece.
cropped CEMP
Mixed media
24 x 34 x 1
a detail of the line-work.
cropped CEP
another detail